Friday 25th August 2023
Charlie Bears in the Fur at Teddy Station, plus our up and coming Charlie Bears Seaside Special update see you all later cheers Steve.
YouTube Link
Friday 23rd June 2023
New Steiff and Charlie Bears Arrivals at Teddy Station Southend.
YouTube Link

Tuesday 14th June 2023
New Steiff and Charlie Bears arrivals.
YouTube link

Friday 13th January 2023
latest delivery of Charlie Bears plus we have a exciting new range of Paddington Bear Bags to show you all see you this Friday at 2.30pm our first broadcast of the year.

Wednesday 7th December
It's not only Day 9 of Bearhouse Bingo, but we will also be joined by the Head Bear himself, William Morris for a chat about all things Charlie Bears.
Please send in any questions you would like me to ask Will on this post;
Facebook Link

Friday 25th November
Charlie Bears Christmas Bearhouse Bingo, plus new Charlie Bears delivery including, We have a Charlie Bears delivery coming tomorrow we have these pieces available now on our website.
Big Brother, Darcey, Gail, Gerald, Gershwin, Kahlo, San Diego, Wagner, Secret Collection Janet, Nicky and Gusto.
(8) Christmas Bearhouse Bingo - YouTube

Friday 18th November
Latest Charlie Bears news from Teddy Station
Charlie Bears Birthday update and more on Bearhouse Bingo and our new feature Who's going to be "The Bear in the Chair"Featuring some of the smaller Charlie Bears Like Charlie Bears Minnie
Check out our YouTube Channel

Happy Halloween from all at Teddy Station
Charlie Bears Bandage was from last years Charlie Bears Halloween colection here are some spooky in the Fur photos of Bandage.
Charlie Bears Bandage Mummy Bear - Teddy Bears UK (teddystation.co.uk)

Welcome to Teddy Station TV on Sea LIVE
Check our latest Charlie Bears and Steiff Teddy Bear arrivals.
We broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube on a regular basis, showing the new arrivals in the Fur, sharing the latest Teddy news and up and coming events.
Friday 2.30 pm 30th September 2022 Live
In our latest broadcast we feature Charlie Bears Issabell mohair bear Degas, and also exciting news about the 2022 Steiff Queen Memorial Bear.
Watch on our YouTube Channel TSTVOS

Watch on our Facebook Teddy Station Southend

Tueday 2.30 pm 20th September 2022 Live
Charlie Bears Halloween Beary Movie, we have had great fun with this Charlie bears Halloween spoof movie, featuring some of the larger Charlie Bears And many thanks to William Morris the head of Charlie Bears for joining in. We are looking forward to making a follow up movie called BEAR PAWS coming soon, so please subscribe to our channel, Teddy Station TV on Sea where we mainly broadcast live on StreamYard to Facebook and Twitter showing our collectors the new Bears in the FUR so they can choose their faces.
Friday 16th September 2022 Recorded
New Charlie Bear Delivery plus update on Hugglets, and what bears we are taking to London on Sunday, we feature Charlie Bears Ronan, Machaela, Einstine, Stewart, Tanglewood, Holst and Monet and photos from our Charlie Bears Seaside Special.

Monday 5th September 2022 Recorded
Charlie Bears Seaside Special. We would like to thank everybody that came along to our event, Watch the movie to see the fun and games we had. Big Bear Hugs to all that stayed over for more antics allready looking forward to 2023.

Friday 2.30 pm 30th September 2022 Live
Charlie Bears Cuddle Time and Secret bears
All arriving tomorrow just in time for our Charlie Bears Seaside Special we have Charlie Bears, Lara, Lydia, Dreamy, Michaela, Jam Scone, Gable and Fonda. Its great to get to see them in the fur. Plus all the latest on our Charlie Bears Seaside Special event this Saturday 3rd September at Teddy Station Southend.

3rd September 2022 Recorded
Seaside Event 3rd September 2022 - The fun starts at 11am – 4:30pm.
We are looking forward our next event at Teddy Station, it will be nice to see some friendly faces having fun again. Come along and get to know fellow collectors and join in with our games.
Game 1 – Teddy Slots @ 12pm - Prizes for 3 in a row
Game 2 – Play your Bears Right – prizes for winners
Game 3 – of course it will be our “Bearhouse Bingo”
1 line across - Prize
2 lines across – Prize
Full House - Prize
Prize for best dressed bear
There will also be our usual Free raffle along with some special offers and discounts on the day.
Complimentary light refreshments will be available, but feel free to bring your own drink.
We look forward to seeing you.
Teddy Station TV On Sea
Join our club, and as a member we will let you know of our up and coming events and you will be the first to know of any special offers and secret sales! Don’t miss out join today.
Check out Teddy Station TV on Sea for all the latest News and Events
Hugglets TEDDIES Festival
22nd September

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